What an adventure! The Gumdale Scouts braved fate embarking on a two night camping and abseiling adventure on Friday the 13th. Friday night started off with the usual setting up camp in the dark, but with a twist. The Scouts were not allowed to bring tables or chairs to put their camp craft to the test (except for a small food prep table). As you would expect, there were tight knots that night. After a healthy breakfast Saturday morning, the real adventure began with the safety briefing. It was onwards and upwards to the 6m abseiling platform with many Scouts challenging themselves and overcoming their fears. For the brave it was onto the 18m platform while the ultra brave took on the overhang platform where Scouts had to step off the edge and abseil down hanging in mid air. Even Dingo had a go! Saturday afternoon was all fun and games with soccer, ball games and catapult catch. With the fire ban in place the make do fire was a hit as darkness fell and dinner was demolished, but everyone hit the hay pretty quickly. Sunday morning was pretty casual with an early pack up and back to Punga’s by 2. An awesome time was had by all. Thank you to all the leaders and parent helpers