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Join Us

Once you have submitted your child's/childrens details and your details we will be in touch with you shortly to discuss your involvement in the largest youth organisation in the world.

We thank you for your support and look forward to growing Gumdale Scout Group together.

In the mean time familarise yourself with Gumdale Scout Group by downloading our "Parent Information Handbook" and learn all about our Group.

As you go through the New Member Information Pack  make notes so you can ask questions when you meet with the Group Leader.

New Member Enquiry

Thanks for submitting!

All of our sections meet separately and enjoy great programs which are prepared in consultation with our youth members by our dedicated volunteer Leaders who all love the fun and excitement of Scouting.

To be part of the Gumdale Scout Group as a youth member in one of our Sections, or you just want to help out as a Leader or a member of our Group Support Committee, just send us an email via our online enquiry form and you can be part of the excitement and action at Gumdale Scout Group.

For boys and girls
aged 5 to 8 years
For boys and girls
ages 8 to 11 years
Tuesday 6 - 7.30pm
For boys and girls
Ages 11 to 14 years
Wednesday 6.30-8.30pm
For boys and girls
ages 14 to 17 years
Thursday 7.00-9.00pm
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