Getting Involved
Adult Leaders

At Gumdale we have a great team of dedicated and committed parents who have volunteered their time to support and run programs every week in either the Cub Scout Pack, Scouts and Venturers Group. Our leaders have a vested interest in doing so as they get to be directly responsible for the Scouting welfare of their own child along with sharing in their child's Scouting experiences and have a mountain of FUN together all whilel meeting new people and supporting a heap of other children.
As a Leader at Gumdale you get to help run weekly meetings, go away on amazing camps and outings and just have a heap of FUN!. In return for your efforts Gumdale Scouts will provide your uniform so you look the part, provide training (e-Learning and practical) so you can play the part, subsidise the cost of your child's fees and continue to support you so you get to feel like you are part of not only Gumdale but the wider Scouting community. Being a leader is an amazing opportunity and if you are interested please click here for the application form or talk to one of our fantastic leaders who will help you get started.
Adult Helpers
Adult Helpers are non-uniformed adults who regularly assist in the delivery of our Youth Program mostly in our younger sections (Joeys and Cubs). Adult Helpers are there to support the leaders to deliver their programs and will always be under the guidance of a trained Adult Leader (our uniformed leaders). Adult Helpers also provide assistance on camps and outings where needed. Being an Adult Helper does not mean you are committing to helping out every week, it is when you can offer your time. With the help of our Adult Helpers our leaders are able to provide the best possible programs whilst maintaining a fun and learning environment.
If you are interested in becoming an adult helper, please click here for the application form or talk to one of our fantastic leaders who will happily help you get started.
Group Support Committee
To ensure that our Leaders have the resources available to provide awesome programs for your child/children the Group Support Committee is responsible for making sure the Group has:
Sufficient funds to maintain or replace equipment.
Sufficient funds to support Leaders so they are not out of pocket purchasing weekly consumables
Helping provide subsidies (when funds are available) to members of the Group wanting to attend State, National and International Scouting Events
Provide funds for Leader uniforms and training
Enough Leaders in each of the Sections (Joeys, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers) to ensure the safety of all.
The Support Committee raises funds from time to time through a range of activities and we ask that families join us to help support the Gumdale Scouts. Gumdale Scouts believe that more hands make light work so we ask that you spare a couple of hours of your time when these events arise so we can make the most of them.
All adult family members are members of the Group Support Committee and as such are invited to attend monthly meetings of the Committee and the Annual General Meeting.
There are many roles within the Gumdale Scout Group Support Committee and if you wish to join come along to the next meeting and see what we are all about.
Contact Robert Bate on for upcoming dates.